Following 2021 changes to the Residential Tenancies Act your landlord should not refuse any changes that are minor. Read more.

Tall and heavy furniture like bookshelves, drawers, TVs and whiteware can cause damage and injury if they fall during an earthquake.

If your rental has a hot water cylinder, check that it’s secured with straps and timber blocks at the floor and against the walls.

Find out what to check for when looking at how well your rental might stand up in a natural disaster.

Make sure you have sufficient private insurance to cover the cost of damage to or loss of your possessions as these are not covered through EQCover.
Related information
Rights and responsibilities
Tenancy Services has information about what tenants and landlords need to do after a natural disaster.
Personal safety
If a disaster happened tomorrow, would you be ready? Civil Defence explains how to make a plan before an emergency happens.
Our natural hazards
New Zealand has many natural hazards. GNS Science helps us understand what these are and how we can increase our resilience.